Friday, August 10, 2007

Pulling Wall Layers up and down

This video explains how to adjust the components of a wall. For instance, pulling brick down past a floor system to sit on the top of foundation.


  1. Thanks a lot! :) This is the movie (podcast?) should be - short and focused on one issue.

  2. I have a small issue when I do this...hopefully you can help. I have figured out how to do what you have shown in the video but when I pull the parts down in section where the walls meet up it leaves a blank space. Do you have any idea how I can fix up the corners so that they join properly in the 3d view??

  3. reply to cadman1981...

    I think I know what your describing. If it's a blank space at corners it's usually the order of how the walls are joining. In a 3D view, use the 'Wall Join' tool at the corner in question, click the corner, click 'butt joint' and then 'next' through the different configurations.
