Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Room Number Intelligence

More and more I am seeing the need for room number intelligence or awareness. I am not alone on this, many of our clients are asking this.

Yes, I can schedule what level a ceiling is on but what about what room it's in? You can do this a little bit with the doors so we know that it's possible. What room is that patient bed, furniture, or light etc. in? It would be nice to then schedule 'by room'. For instance, Room 101 contains: patient bed X, X number of lights.

Please comment...


  1. You already can schedule component families by room. In the fields tab of the Schedule Properties dialog, note the "Select available fields from:" option near the bottom. -
    Granted you're still our of luck with doors and system families like ceilings, but it's a start. Besides, a ceiling can span more than 1 room, what then?

  2. Thanks Aaron, I missed that great funtion of the schedule tool!

    My main goal is to expand the room schedule to include info from other objects like ceiling height. This could be expanded to components. You could have something like...

    Room 10, Ceiling Height 10', 10 Electrical Outlets, 5 Lights, 2 patient beds
